Check out this week's Midday Motivation Video!
Be Blessed & Be a Blessing
Sharing how I manage anxiety... Especially now.
Anxiety is among one of the most common things we battle in our lives. We live in a very fast paced, high stress world that encourages us...

Half Time Prayer Day 3!
Half Time prayer is in full swing here's a recap of this morning's prayer: https://www.facebook.com/100000096091637/videos/37701847129946...
Did you catch half time prayer?!
Yesterday morning we officially started Half Time Prayer. If you missed it you can click the link and catch it below:...

Half Time Prayer Starts Tomorrow!
We'll be live tomorrow morning on our private Facebook Page: facebook.com/groups/halftimesquad Join us @ 6 :30am for prayer. We're...

Here's a Good Reason to be Excited!
Happy Monday to you. The world tells you, you have to have "Monday blues", and be disgruntled that the weekend is over, but scripture...

Today's Midday Motivation!
Push past the resistance and let go of the old you!